

Hartley Bottom Farm / Hartley Bottom Road / Longfield / Kent / DA3 8LJ

Tel : 01474 872970

Updated on Saturday, 15 February, 2025

Please phone to get the latest prices & stock

Tel: 01474 872970

Allen & Page Pygmy Goat Mix is a wholesome feed with higher fibre levels and dried fruit and vegetables to reflect the Pygmy goat's natural diet as closely as possible.

Pygmy Goat Mix is a wholesome feed with higher fibre levels. With added dried fruit and vegetables, similar to those which Pygmy goats would naturally forage for.

  • Specially made with the Pygmy goat's unique nutritional needs in mind

  • A wholesome feed with increased levels of fibre

  • Includes yeast and a prebiotic for healthy digestion

  • Contains dried fruit and vegetables

  • Approved by the Vegetarian Society

  • Non-GM ingredients


Fancy Feeds Molassed Goat Mix is an appetising fully balanced molassed mix for goats of all types and ages. With best bruised oats and other cereals, carefully micronised to improve digestibility which helps reduce the risk of digestive upsets.

Ingredients: Bruised Oats, Micronised Barley, Extracted Soya Bean Meal, Micronised Maize, Molasses, Locust Beans, Linseed Lozenges exp, Wheatfeed, Micronised Peas, Oatfeed, Alfalfa Meal, Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Carbonate, Vitamins and Minerals, Sodium Chloride, Soya Oil


Hubblick Alpaca/Goat - 10kg

A very healthy lick suitable for Alpacas and Goats. Low in sugar, high level of minerals, vitamins and trace elements. Rich in minerals for hoof, shine and hair. Conditions and general vitality for Alpaca and Goats. The lick is thoroughly weather proof.


£ 25.95 **Sale Price £20**


DISCLAIMER : Not all products are suitable for Goats


DISCLAIMER : Not all products are suitable for Goats


DISCLAIMER : Not all products are suitable for Goats


DISCLAIMER : Not all products are suitable for Goats


DISCLAIMER : Not all products are suitable for Goats

Heat Lamps

DISCLAIMER : Not all products are suitable for Goats

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